Thursday, 6 October 2011

How painful it gets… Child delivery et al

                Ever been to a labour ward? Do you think your lady would permit?  If she would allow then consider it very carefully because no man would want to see his woman in such excruciating pain and state. We (a couple expecting a new born) used to talk about how a labour ward is a horrible place for men and the same applies to women. I requested my friends if they were comfortable with me being in the labour ward? The guy did not easily consent but after a while he did agree.
Months later she was due late in the night and since they were my neighbors, means to the hospital had to come in handy. Luckily the cab came on time. On reaching the hospital she was examined to ascertain whether she was duly ‘ready’, there are some instances where by a woman goes into labour for hours even days yet the baby is not forthcoming , there by inducing labour or taken in for caesarian operation. 
As she was being taken to the labour ward she asked the doctor whether someone could be allowed to be with her. The doctor asked whether the person is courageous enough. She looked at her husband as if approving of my entry…minutes later the gynecologist called my name and asked “Young man do you think you are ready for this?” He told me to think about it for not more than 5 minutes as when he starts he would not want any interruption of either someone’s entry or exit. He came back with medical gloves hanging on his left palm and asked me on what I had decided. I was honestly shaking of fear of the unknown. He, the gynecologist, simply said ‘’wee kuja wacha uoga’’ I took off my shoes dipped my feet in some disinfecting liquid then in I went.
                I was instructed to stand by Rhoda’s side so as to give her the required moral support. She was lying in a bed which had two inclining pieces of plastic which help a woman in spreading her legs. Honestly Rhoda was too anxious, confusion reigned, fatigue and unbearable pain. She was asked by the doc if she was ready after everyone in the room affirmed their readiness. As she engaged in pushing she uttered very many words most of them unprintable, some abusive directed at the husband as the cause of her misery. As she was uttering these words she firmly held my hand squeezing it with all her might and I tell you she squeezed my hands…. wah! If only I could remind her.
Rhoda made so much noise that I had never heard a woman cry like that before, it’s even difficult putting down how she cried in pain, as a matter of fact I stopped looking at what the medics were doing to look at her and empathize. She gave birth to a 2.3kg baby girl. She went silent after holding her baby and told me to take care of the baby then went into a heavy slumber.
                I left the room with my hand tightly clenched on my under arm. Rhoda put my hand in pain and it was indeed painful.  I learnt to appreciate life once more and the pain involved by our sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties and the female species is not easy.
                When a woman is expectant and finally gives birth without complications kindly accord her the desired respect. Apart from complications some women even end up dying… I encourage you to join your wife or girlfriend into that dreaded room THE LABOUR WARD.              

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